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Get Out the Vote 1
By Students


November 01, 2010
Monday PM

Dear Editor:

My class wants to encourage adults to get out and vote. I have a few reasons why. If everyone had an input then they would know their voice was heard. People should vote so important things like the new library would have a good turnout because people would vote for what they thought was important. Also only 20% of 14,000 people voted last time that’s only 2,000. Plus you get a cool treat and sticker. So on Tuesday you have the power, so Get up, Get out and vote.

5th/6th grader at Tongass School of Arts and Sciences


Dear Editor:

I would like to encourage everyone to vote. This is why. The person should know what most people want, it is important and the community leaders need help making decisions.

5th/6th grader at Tongass School of Arts and Sciences


Dear Editor:

People don’t realize it, but it’s really important to vote. People eighteen and up have a chance to make a difference in their community, state, or even the country. The leaders of your community need help making fair decision. Plus, if the cause or person you voted for gets the most votes, it can make you feel really great inside.

A very low percentage of people voted this past election. Another one is coming up on November 2nd. So get up, get out, and vote.

5th/6th grader at Tongass School of Arts and Sciences


Dear Editor:

I am writing today to remind every person who is of age man or woman to vote. Every ones vote and opinion is important. If everyone voted for the best candidate they will get the votes to win. The candidate with the best intentions for us is important.

So, Remember TO VOTE NOV. 2nd, 2010.

5th/6th grader at Tongass School of Arts and Sciences


Dear Editor:

Not enough people have been voting. I think it's very important to vote. Here's why:

  1. Our community is not a community without everybody making decisions.
  2. If people vote they have the right to comment on the results.
  3. The treats are great.
  4. If most people don’t vote why even have a vote?
  5. If you get a chance get up get out and vote

That’s all I needed to say. So get out and vote.
5th/6th grader at Tongass School of Arts and Sciences


Received November 01, 2010 - Published November 01, 2010



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Ketchikan, Alaska